Fertility Support
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for addressing fertility in both women and men
Demonstrated benefits of acupuncture during IVF include:
Reduced stress: Because the implantation of embryos is negatively affected by stress and auto-immune factors, stress can reduce IVF success rates. Acupuncture increases levels of endogenous opioids, including endorphins and serotonin, and reduces cortisol and adrenaline levels, decreasing this impact of stress on IVF success rates.
Immune boost: Acupuncture improves T-cell and cytokine levels, helping women remain healthy during the IVF process.
“Relaxed” uterus: Post-embryo transfer contractions have been shown to reduce both implantation and pregnancy rates. Acupuncture not only helps to reduce stress and calm your mind, but also helps reduce pain in the abdomen, which could impact IVF success.
Electro-acupuncture: Electro-acupuncture, or electrical stimulation, may help to improve blood flow in the uterine arteries of infertile women. Acupuncture has also been shown to affect the levels of pituitary and ovarian hormones; adding electrical stimulation to traditional needling can help deepen this effect.
To determine the best course of treatment, Christiane will conduct a comprehensive intake of your history and lifestyle and, with your permission, may discuss treatment options with your fertility doctor.
Acupuncture and Donor Egg Support
Using donor eggs during IVF protocol can be a difficult and emotionally-sensitive process. If you’ve arrived at this decision, your treatment will focus on preparing your uterus and body for embryo implantation, balancing your hormones, regulating your nervous system, and improving circulation. Beyond these benefits, fertility acupuncture has also been shown to influence the HPO axis, the collective term for the glands that influence the hormones that control female reproduction.
Christiane recommends receiving weekly treatment for one-to-three months before egg implantation, and then twice weekly a few weeks prior to your transfer. Treatment is also recommended during your first trimester to assist with any side effects of pregnancy.
Fertility FAQs
When it comes to fertility, it’s never too early to start acupuncture. Your acupuncture sessions will be tailored to the current phase of your cycle at the time of treatment.
Yes, regular acupuncture treatments can support the early stages of pregnancy and should be done weekly for the for 8 weeks of conception.
After a positive pregnancy test, there are certain points we want to avoid and certain points we want to include to help hold the pregnancy. Please inform your acupuncturist of any positive pregnancy tests.
Yes, acupuncture can support the success of all types of reproductive interventions. Please read the above information on your particular course of fertility treatments for detailed explanations.
Yes, acupuncture can help relieve unwanted side of effects of fertility drugs such as fatigue, mood imbalances, headaches, nausea and bloating.