Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine
How It Works & Tools of the Trade
Heat, electrical stimulation, and other forms of TCM tools, including moxibustion—a rolled baton or cone of mugwort—are often used in conjunction with your acupuncture treatment. TCM is its own system of medicine and can treat an array of ailments from muscle and bone injuries to internal medicine concerns.
Those suffering from sports-related injuries or musculoskeletal pain may find Gua sha particularly helpful. Pain relief and decreased stress and fatigue can be felt immediately following treatment and last for several days or weeks.
Christiane completed her Gua sha Certification with Arya Nielsen, an internationally-renowned acupuncturist who is considered the Western authority of Gua sha. The course deepens practitioners knowledge of the history, research, and applications of Gua sha, as well as how to use the modality in clinical settings and with specific disorders. It is considered the most complete and in-depth training available.
The suction created when squeezing the cup onto the skin, along with negative pressure created by pulling up on cups, promotes blood flow, stretches tight fascia and muscles, and stimulates the body’s natural anti-inflammatory properties.
Because blood stagnation often occurs in the lower abdomen and manifests as menstrual cramping, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and endometriosis, supporting the development of new blood flow in this part of the body is particularly important when addressing issues of fertility and reproductive health. In addition to reducing stress and pain, cupping also eliminates old metabolites or toxins from the body and supports overall uterine health over both the short- and long-term. Christiane often uses this technique to prepare the uterine lining for conception and, in cases of more severe blood stagnation, to support maximum blood flow to the uterus in order to maintain pregnancy during the very early stages of embryo implantation.
Christiane studied therapeutic cupping with Shannon Gilmartin, CMT, co-founder of Modern Cupping Therapy Education Company, and author of The Guide to Modern Cupping Therapy. Shannon and her team lead in-depth trainings across the globe and are considered one of the best in-person, therapeutic cupping trainers in the U.S.
The treatment is particularly helpful for athletes and patients who are very active, as it supports optimal performance and recovery from training. Through a trigger-point technique, muscles twitch and then relax, leading to a more balanced muscle structure and relief from tightness or pain. E-stimulation can also be used to support recovery from broken bones, sprains, and muscle strains, even in acute situations. This can prevent future, subsequent issues with joints and sprains that aren’t properly healed.
Christiane also incorporates e-stimulation in her labor prep treatments to aid more efficient labor, in severe cases of blood stagnation with women struggling with infertility, and with men with abnormal sperm production.
Christiane studied neurofunctional acupuncture with Dan Wunderlich, a leading practitioner and educator of integrative manual medicine. Her training included how to treat musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction with contemporary acupuncture and treatment strategies using electrical acupuncture, such as trigger point deactivation and corrective myofascial release techniques.