Sports Medicine at Mauro Acupuncture
From tennis elbow to a pulled hamstring or a sprained ankle, sports enthusiasts of all ages can be susceptible to an injury at some point in their lives. That’s why today’s acupuncture industry has devoted entire programs, courses and workshops to the specialty of sports medicine acupuncture.
Sports medicine acupuncture combines tools and methods of TCM with modern sports medical science and specialized treatment techniques. It offers a comprehensive approach to pain management, sports-related injuries, postural issues, and musculoskeletal disorders and can improve athletic performance and range of motion. It is typically a shorter treatment protocol, supporting athletes who are preparing for competitions or big events or helping them heal post-injury.
Sports acupuncturists use trigger point needling techniques to “reset” the affected muscle spindle fibers, which teaches the body to balance opposing muscle groups, allows muscles to maintain strength, and opens the nervous system circuit for optimal functioning and range of motion. Treatments typically include electro-acupuncture, orthopedic massage, cupping, and Gua sha. In addition to developing a TCM-related treatment plan, Christiane will also help you evaluate how to prevent issues in the future, reduce stress, and understand the deeper cause of your injury or issue (i.e. imbalanced muscle systems).
Sports-related injuries or concerns alleviated by acupuncture include:
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Facet Joint Syndrome
Headaches and Migraines
Herniated Discs
IT Band issues
Tennis or Golfer’s Elbow
Piriformis Syndrome
Plantar Fasciitis
Postural Imbalance
SI Joint Issues
Surgery or Fracture Rehabilitation
Shin Splints
Muscle Strains
Shoulder Impingement
TMJ Pain